Rose Sélavy

The Rose Sélavy name hails from the fictional character created by French artist and Dadaist Marcel Duchamp. With dainty lines and a subtle colour combination of soft pastels and pink-brushed metal, Rose Sélavy is an ode to femininity. The tabletop features a very fine box where one can store their jewellery, as well as two mirrors – a round and extra-large one at the centre and a smaller one that can be detached from the table and used as a hand mirror.

Rose Sélavy


The Rose Sélavy name hails from the fictional character created by French artist and Dadaist Marcel Duchamp. With dainty lines and a subtle colour combination of soft pastels and pink-brushed metal, Rose Sélavy is an ode to femininity. The tabletop features a very fine box where one can store their jewellery, as well as two mirrors – a round and extra-large one at the centre and a smaller one that can be detached from the table and used as a hand mirror.