To celebrate its 250th anniversary, Baccarat, the most famous French crystal brand, wanted with their showroom to write a new Chinese chapter in their legendary history. To pay homage to their incomparable heritage while revealing a new image to the Chinese market, they invited Thomas DARIEL, the talented Shanghai-based French designer, to imagine their new space and to create a bridge between the two countries.
Baccarat House is located in the newly renovated ROCKBUND compound. Combining historic and new buildings, luxury stores and cultural venues at the confluence of the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek, Rockbund illustrates perfectly the diversity of Shanghai culture as well as the city‘s timeless elegance. Baccarat House is hosted on the ground floor of a red brick heritage building that remarkably fits the brand’s image. Eliminating mundane and predictable clichés, Thomas Dariel defines the showroom as an elegant Parisian apartment with crafted and textured details yet in a modern and youthful way. And also, it's just the begining of the new collaboration.